Sunday, August 29, 2010 Joins the Fight For Clean Water Through Global Non-Profit Organization charity: water

Lexington, KY (Vocus) July 27, 2010, a leading internet textbook retailer, is taking initiative to solidify its position as a compassionate corporate citizen by announcing full sponsorship of four clean water projects in Northern Ethiopia over the next 12 months. Nearly one billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean, safe drinking water, a startling fact that too often goes unnoticed in the western world. will provide funding for the projects which will be planned and executed through New York City based non-profit organization charity: water.

“Our friends at charity: water tell us that nearly 42,000 people will die this week from diseases related to poor drinking water. Unfortunately, 90% of them will be under the age of 5” said CEO Matt Montgomery. “We feel it important to do our part to ensure that these numbers are forever changed.”

The concept and eventual implementation of the clean water initiative has risen from the June introduction of’s student textbook loyalty program, the eCampus Entourage ( Adrian Grenier, star of the hit television show Entourage, is a fan and follower of charity: water’s work and mission and it is this connection that lead eCampus to charity: water’s doorstep. As fall approaches, the eCampus Entourage will be used to support the clean water projects planned for the people of Ethiopia. charity: water will use funding from to implement freshwater projects and integrate hygiene and sanitation into the communities served.

Montgomery continues, “We’re obviously in the business of renting and selling textbooks, but our commitment to charity: water allows our customers to play a part in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of communities where help is needed most. Some people save whales, some companies save trees – we feel it’s important to help save lives.”


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