Monday, April 23, 2012

WASH Fact Quiz

What is the full form of WASH?
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
How many goals on Millennium Development Goal (MDG)?
How many SACOSAN (South Asian Conference on Sanitation) were held so far?
When was the international year of Sanitation (IYS)?
When was the National Sanitation Master Plan endorsed?
2011 (2068)
What is the MDG goal target for Toilet coverage?
53 %
What is the economic value for return on WASH Investment (In times)?
9 times
What are 5F on WASH?
Finger, Fly, Fluid, Field, Food
What percent of disease risk is reduced when washed hand with soap?
45 %
What is the coverage of washing hand in Nepal?  (Souce:2008)
17 %
How many viruses are present on 1 gram stool?
1 crore (10 million)
How many children die due to Diarrhoea?
What are the four key methods for Point of use (POU) of Water?
Boiling, filtration, chlorination and SODIS
What is the concentration of chlorine on PIYUSH +?
0.7 %
What was the theme for World Water Day 2012?
Water and Food Security
How much time is required minimum to purify water on SODIS Method on a normal day?
7 hours
What is the full form of SLTS?
School Led Total Sanitation
What is the current need for drinking water supply in Kathmandu Valley?
210 MLD
What are 4R on Waste Management?
Reuse, Reduce, Recycle and Rethink
How many districts are declared Open Defecation Free (ODF) zone so far?
2 district (Kaski and Chitwan)
In the world, due to diarrhoeal diseases one child is died in every …………?
15 second
How much percent of population constitutes for youth aged 16-40?

39 % (38.8%)

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