Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Misconception on Right to Water and Sanitation

The right entitles people to free
Water and sanitation services need to be affordable for all. People are expected to contribute financially or otherwise to the extent that they can do so.
The right allows for unlimited use
of water
The right entitles everyone to sufficient water for personal and domestic uses and is to be realised in a sustainable manner for present and future generations.
The right entitles everyone to a
household connection

Water and sanitation facilities need to be within, or in the immediate vicinity of the household, and can comprise facilities such as wells and pit latrines.
The right to water entitles people to
water resources in other countries.

People cannot claim water from other countries. However, international customary law on trans-boundary watercourses stipulates that such watercourses should be shared in an equitable and reasonable manner, with priority given to vital human needs.
A country is in violation of the right
if not all its people have access to
water and sanitation.

The right requires that a State take steps to the maximum of available resources to progressively realize the right.

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