Monday, October 11, 2010



September 14, 2010 by Vive Harambee
Diarrhea is an increase in the frequency of bowel movements or a decrease in the form of stool (greater looseness of stool). The most common cause of diarrhea is an infection that affects the gut. This infection usually lasts for two days and is sometimes known as the “stomach flu”. According to the World Health Organization 88% of gut infections are attributed to unsafe water supply, inadequate sanitation and hygiene. Each year 1.8 million people die from diarrheal diseases, of these individuals 90% are children under the age of 5, mostly in developing countries. It is stated that 1.5 million children die in Africa each year from diarrhea and 1.6 million in Central America. Key measures to help prevent diarrhea includes: improved sanitation, access to safe drinking water, and good personal and food hygiene.

Source: (

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