Friday, September 21, 2018

Analysis of Menstrual Hygiene Practices in Nepal: About this report

The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools (WinS) programme in Nepal is part of a global initiative of UNICEF; its development partners including: Department of Water Supply and Sewerage, Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads, Department of Education, Nepal Red Cross Society, International Development Enterprises, Federation of Drinking Water and Sanitation Users Nepal and Nepal Fertility Care Center; and its development donors including: the Government of Finland, Department for International Development (DFID) and UNICEF National Committees. UNICEF Nepal has supported the implementation of WinS programme systematically since 2000 through the School Sanitation and Hygiene Education programme (SSHE).

In 2006, UNICEF Nepal developed the school-led total sanitation approach which contributed to school and community sanitation. This approach has been replicated and implemented in many countries in Asia and Africa. The programme aims to provide a safe and healthy environment in schools so that all students can fully benefit from their education experience. The WinS is based on a child-rights approach that recognizes all children have the right to have access to safe drinking water, basic sanitation facilities, hand washing facilities (with soap) and are provided with the knowledge and skills that promote lifelong health and safe hygiene practices. The programme is based on a body of evidence demonstrating the health and educational benefits for children in hygiene promotion, adequate sanitation and safe water in schools.

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